1. The Associate Pastor shall work under the guidance of the Pastor, who is the chief administrative officer of the Church, in planning and carrying out an effective overall ministry in music and students.
2. Be an active tithing member of the church
3. Coordinate and oversee all choirs.
4. Give personal direction of the adult choir.
5. Be prepared and have the musicians and choir prepared for Sunday.
6. If the church does not invite a visiting song leader then be prepared to lead music during revival.
7. Promote the training of choristers and accompanists.
8. Oversee the maintenance and upkeep of the music equipment with the assistance of the property committee
9. Oversee the student ministry
10. Utilize and train volunteers in the music and student ministry
11. Have weekly meetings for the youth- Sunday morning, Sunday night, Wednesday night
12. Plan and attend quarterly social events
13. Plan and attend yearly trips- DNOW, Camp
14. Be responsible for fundraising for the trips
15. Work with the youth committee in planning
16. Be available to counsel as needed.
17. Present budget requests and oversee the budget spending of the student and music ministries
18. Coordinate with the pastor in visiting members and visitors
19. Engage in personal witnessing
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