Small Church Youth Ministry Workshop - Senatobia


Time: 6:00 pm - 8:15 pm


Discipleship/Sunday School

Phone: 601.292.3284

Sponsored by the Discipleship and Family Ministry Department of the  Mississippi Baptist Convention Board

What is it?

These workshops will provide youth ministry training and an opportunity to discuss youth ministry as it relates to the smaller churches and churches that don’t employ a full-time paid youth minister. A light supper will also be served to all participants who pre-register.

Who should attend?

Anyone who is serves his/her church in the area of youth ministry.  This could be youth committee members, youth Sunday School  teachers, pastors, part-time/bi-vocational youth ministers, anyone who has a heart to minister to teenagers in his/her church.

Who will lead it?

Dr. Gary Permenter of Gary Permenter Ministries ( ) will be the facilitator for this workshop.  Gary has a heart for smaller churches and the special challenges they face in ministering to teenagers.  Besides his years of experience as a youth minister, Gary sees the challenges and needs of smaller churches as he has traveled extensively throughout our state and around the country.

What does it cost?

Nothing except a few hours of your time

Where are these being held?

See the list below for locations and times.

Do I have to register ahead of time?

In order to receive dinner, you must register ahead of time. To register click here.

6:00pm-8:15pm (light dinner will be provided for those who pre-register)