Lead PastorFull-Time

OAK Hill Baptist Church

Oak Hill Baptist Church here in Meridian, MS, is prayerfully seeking God’s wisdom to find our pastor to lead our church family and our staff in fulfilling the Great Commission and living the Great Commandment of Jesus Christ our Lord. We desire a pastor who will encourage and lead our congregation to continue our strong emphasis on worship, discipleship, missions, and outreach. We want a pastor family whom we can encourage and love, and who will grow with us as we serve our community.
OHBC is a multi-generational church with ministries and activities directed to reach all ages for Christ and lead them to grow as disciples of Christ. Our church has been financially blessed through the decades with a loving and giving congregation. Through this blessing Oak Hill is able to enjoy a debt-free worship environment and a financial surplus that allows us to be good stewards for whatever ministries God may have in store for us.
The incoming pastor of Oak Hill Baptist Church must be a spirit-filled, ordained minister who believes in the power of prayer, and a firm belief that the Bible is the Word of God. He will provide spiritual instruction and strategic leadership to the members, staff, and ministries as scripturally described for a New Testament Church, including pastoral care and visitation to the sick and grieving.
Applicants reply by email to ohbcsecretary@comcast.net.  Thank you and God Bless you in your search for His will.