Minister of Children and YouthFull-Time

Minister to Children and Youth
OBJECTIVE: To design, implement, develop and evaluate a system of learning for the children and students, birth through youth, at Parkway Baptist Church that results in Christian maturity and shapes them for a lifetime of Christian service with a biblical worldview. The development of the younger children will be done with the goal of retaining children throughout their formative years and preparing them to serve Christ either at Parkway or in another church home if they move out of our area.

1. Leadership of bible study and discipleship programs for children and youth in accordance with the comprehensive education plan of the church, in keeping with the mission and vision of the church and the Senior Pastor
2. Nomination and training of teachers, officers, and education workers (selection through nominating committee for Preschool, Children, and Youth Departments)
3. Recommendations for the selection of training/study materials
4. Execution of a formal Discipleship program (probably covered in Method 1 above)

1. Children and Youth Education Ministries
a. C&Y Sunday School
b. Awana
c. C&Y Activities
i. Bible studies
ii. Camps
iii. Socials/parties
iv. Fund Raisers
v. Vacation Bible School