Minister of YouthBivocational/Part-Time

Sylvarena Baptist Church

Sylvarena Baptist Church is located between Raleigh and Bay Springs, Ms on Highway 18. We currently have a youth group made up of students from a few different schools. Wednesday night attendance is usually 10-15 students with a potential to be much more. We are prayerfully seeking a bi-vocational Minister of Youth to lead and grow our student ministry.

We are looking for a person with the following characteristics:
-Evident relationship with Jesus Christ
-A heart and a calling for student ministry
-Biblical based teaching and doctrine
-Involved and invested in the lives of our students and their families

Basic job responsibilities include but are not limited to:
-Lead Wednesday night Bible Study and Sunday School
-Inspire and engage with the discipleship of students and their families
-Be alert to and assist both helpers and youth n the reaching of the lost
-Work with the Pastor and other appropriate leaders in planning, evaluating, and coordinating all youth activities and
ministries of the church
-Attend, support, participate, and assist as needed, in church services and training programs

Please submit resumes to:

Mail to:
Youth Pastor Search Committee
℅ Sylvarena Baptist Church
28527 Hwy 18E
Raleigh, MS 39153

May also call 601-782-9263 and ask for the ministry assistant if interested or for further questions.