
Hillcrest Baptist Church

Hillcrest Baptist Church located in Byram, MS is seeking a full time Pastor who loves the Lord and who is totally committed to the pursuit of the Great Commission, Matthew 28:19. Hillcrest Baptist averages approximately 110 in Sunday attendance
Hillcrest Baptist Church seeks a goal-oriented Pastor, who welcomes the challenge of leading us in developing strategies to:
• move individuals closer to the true and living God
• attract young families with children and youth to God and Hillcrest Baptist Church
• reach out to the community in an effort to bring those individuals into the family of Hillcrest united in service for God

Hillcrest Baptist Church is a family of devoted followers of Christ that worship God, shares Christ’s hope and love, and ministers to all people-one God, one church, one family.
1. Theological education experience in Baptist doctrine. Must affirm the Baptist Faith & Message 2000
2. At least 10 years prior ministry experience in leading a Baptist church
3. Patterns life and role consistent with 1 Timothy 3:1-7.
4. Be willing to take the Myers & Briggs Personality Type Test
5. Be willing to grant approval for background check.