Duck Hill Baptist Church in Duck Hill, Mississippi, is seeking a full-time pastor committed to preaching the Gospel and engaging all people in our church, community, and surrounding areas for the cause of Christ. Duck Hill Baptist Church includes 460 members and offers services for all ages on Sunday morning, Sunday evening, and Wednesday evening.
Duck Hill Baptist Church is located in Montgomery County about 10 miles north of Winona and is near the Winona-Montgomery Consolidated School District and Winona Christian School. Duck Hill is also home to the former Lloyd T. Binford High School, which has been recognized as a historical landmark by the Mississippi Department of Archives and History. Duck Hill is also home to the annual Bogue Creek Festival—a community-wide event that includes Gospel singing and fellowship—and the annual Duck Hill Mountain Climb that draws the Duck Hill, Grenada, and Winona community members together.
Seminary education is preferred. Duck Hill Baptist Church offers a church parsonage and a competitive benefits package. For questions about this position or our church, please email us at Interested candidates can send resumes digitally through this post, or you can mail a resume to Pastor Search Committee, Duck Hill Baptist Church, c/o Brenda Norris, P.O. Box 486, Duck Hill, MS 38925.