
First Baptist Church Leland

First Baptist Church Leland has a congregation of over 150 family members with an average Sunday worship attendance of 80+ who are faithful and loyal. This church has faithfully served our Lord for more than 100 years. We have a history of loving our pastors, with 2 serving more than 24 years since 1957. We offer a generous compensation package, which includes a newly renovated 4000+ square foot parsonage (4 bedrooms and 3 full bathrooms) that includes utilities.
We have a part-time children/youth minister, a part-time music minister, and a full-time secretary and custodial staff. You will be able to reach the nations with a world-renowned research station five miles from the church, where over 200 scientists worldwide come for research. The Delta is the ideal place to raise a family, with a close-knit homeschool community, public schools, and prestigious private schools known throughout Mississippi. If you love hunting, fishing, or being outside, the Mississippi Delta is for you. We desire a pastor who will lovingly lead us in worship, Bible study, and visitation and help us reach out to the unchurched in our community. Leland is the perfect place to raise a family, enjoy a slower-paced lifestyle, enjoy the great outdoors, and spread the hope of Jesus. We hope you consider joining our family.