
Ecru Baptist Church

Ecru Baptist Church is a warm, loving church situated in the heart of Ecru, MS. Our Sunday morning worship services are Spirit-filled, vibrant, traditional services with a touch of contemporary music led by our bi-vocational Worship Leader. We have a relational, inviting Sunday School program. Our Sunday evenings include services for youth and adults while the children learn from a focused program just for them. Our Wed evenings begin with a Fellowship meal followed by GA’s/RA’s and Mission Friends, a Youth worship and teaching session led by our bi-vocational Youth Minister, and adult prayer meeting. Our focus on Missions includes strong support for SBC and special mission offerings. We have participated in mission trips locally, domestically, and internationally. We also focus on Bible drills, a strong VBS program, participate in OCC through packing boxes and serving as a Drop off location, supporting food pantries, and involvement in community activities.
A 4 bedroom/3 bath off campus pastorium located in a quiet neighborhood is provided. Ecru is home to the A-Rated K-12 North Pontotoc school system.

With the leadership of God’s Holy Spirit, we are seeking the pastor that God has perfectly prepared to lead and shepherd our church. We are seeking a Pastor with an MDIV who has a daily walk with the Lord and leads by example in reaching the lost and serving Jesus.

Please submit your resume or questions to, FB- Ecru Baptist Church