
Wayside Baptist Church

The Pastor Search Committee of Wayside Baptist Church is actively searching for a man of God, led by the Holy Spirit to love and serve as Pastor to the congregation of Wayside. The church is located about nine miles south of Vicksburg, MS at 6151 Jeff Davis Road. Our church motto is “Small Church With a Big Heart.” The church is located in an established community that has a lot of potential for growth.

The Pastor would prepare and deliver weekly messages that are accepted by the Southern Baptist Doctrine which is recognized by the church.  Leading the church congregation in the observance of the Lord’s Supper and baptisms. He will also lead in weekly Bible study and prayer meetings. Other ministerial duties would be as he is led to counsel prior to weddings, funerals, representing the church in the Warren Yazoo Baptist Association. He would also be encouraging fellowship within the church and outreach through visitation to church members and the community.

The Sunday morning attendance is about 40 to 50, with Wednesday Bible study service having about 30-35. We are excited about recently having many people accepting the Lord and accepting baptism. Through these events Baptisms have followed in the last several months. We give the Holy Spirit the glory for this movement happening.

The fellowship of Wayside, a caring and loving church, has fully supported the Warren Yazoo Baptist Association and The Mississippi Baptist Convention and a host of other missions like Lottie Moon and Annie Armstrong Easter offering and participating in the Operation Christmas Child

As the church body has a lot of homebound members which provides us with wide mission potential. Wayside has always tried to provide opportunities to reach all age groups by having fellowships. We try to have Childrens’ church, Vacation Bible School and other opportunities. Also, to have fish fries, dinners, choir and other opportunities of worship activities where we can get different age groups of people welcomed into the Lord’s salvation and fellowship.

The church is looking forward to finding the man God has for Wayside and continuing to serve our community.