Longview Baptist Church is searching for the man God has selected to be our next Pastor. Longview is a long-established country church with a warm and loving character. Sunday School classes are available for all age groups. Average attendance is about 90. Discipleship Training classes are provided on Sunday evenings. Vibrant Worship services follow each. Wednesday night services begin with a fellowship meal followed by Acteens, GA’s, RA’s, Mission Friends, Youth and adult bible study. Attendance is about 70. We are a multi-generational church with increased numbers in our children’s groups and young married couples. Longview strongly supports the SBC and various missions organizations. More than 21% of our undesignated tithes and offerings go to missions. Longview is located near the Trace State Park between the cities of Pontotoc and Tupelo, MS. A pastorium is located on the church campus which is in the Pontotoc City School District.
Statement of Basic Beliefs from our Constitution and By-Laws
We affirm the Holy Bible as the inspired word of God and the basis for our beliefs. The church subscribes to the doctrinal statement of The Baptist Faith and Message as adopted by the Southern Baptist Convention in 2000 A. D.
Our Facebook page provides information about our church and our services are recorded there.
Resumes may be submitted to:
Pastor Search Com.
Longview Baptist Church
406 Dozier Hill Road
Belden, MS 38826
or to: