
Bethany Baptist Church

Bethany Baptist Church is prayerfully seeking the next pastor that God has specifically for our great church. Our members are faithful followers of Jesus Christ that are committed to worshiping Him and loving others in the Slater Springs, MS area.

The pastor is responsible to the church for leading the church to determine its mission and move toward the attainment of its mission. He proclaims the gospel and provides pastoral care for persons in the church and the community. He serves as an enabler to involve church members in the work of the church so that its divine mission can be achieved. He is to provide administrative leadership for the church. His responsibilities are listed below: (1) He is the spiritual leader and overseer of the congregation. (2) Proclaim the gospel and lead church members in the proclamation of the gospel in the church and community. (3) Care for persons and lead church members to care for persons in the church and the community. (4) Provide administrative leadership to guide the church in the attainment of its divine mission. (5) Provide leadership for congregational services, and lead in conducting the church ordinances (Lord’s Supper and baptism). (6) Conduct wedding ceremonies and funeral services. (7) Work closely with the deacons in their training and performance in their work of proclamation, caring, and building up of the church fellowship. (8) Serve as chairman of the church council and provide administrative leadership for the total church program. (9) Supervise church staff members according to plan of staff organization, and provide for staff training and development. (10) Recommend and advise on the selection of all staff members and in determining their duties. (11) Preach at all worship services which include preaching or arrange for someone else to perform this function. (12) Serve as moderator of the church.  We are open to a bi-vocational pastor.  If you are interested please submit your resume to or mail to 126 Church Street Calhoun City, MS 38916.


**If you submitted a resume before May 13, 2024, please re-submit to the corrected email