Senior PastorFull-Time

Arkabutla Baptist Church

Arkabutla Baptist Church is prayerfully seeking a Senior Pastor who is called by God and equipped to effectively teach and preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ, according to the word of God. The Pastor must engage in preaching of God’s Word, pastoral care, and provide supervisory and administrative leadership.

The incoming pastor of Arkabutla Baptist Church must be a spirit filled, licensed, and ordained minister who loves the Lord and believes in the power of prayer. The pastor should possess a combination of formal education and ministerial experience, (minimum of 10 years preaching experience), and a firm belief that the Bible is the inspired Word of God. The candidate must follow the basic doctrine of the Baptist Church and be open to working with the Southern Baptist Convention leadership in matters of mutual interest and concerns of the congregation.

All interested persons who wish to be considered must submit an application packet for employment to include:
1. Cover Letter
2. Current Resume
3. Doctrinal Statement
4. Video link of:
a) sermons
b) bible study lesson (optional)

If you would like, please visit our Facebook page to learn more about our church, get a glimpse into what God is doing in Arkabutla MS. Simply search for Arkabutla Baptist Church in your Facebook search bar.

For questions regarding this position or our church, please email us at Interested candidates can send your resume digitally through this post.