Senior PastorFull-Time

East Philadelphia Baptist Church

East Philadelphia Baptist Church in Philadelphia, MS, is prayerfully seeking a full-time senior pastor. Our mission is to fulfill the Great Commission and to follow the leadership of the Holy Spirit. We support the SBC, MS Baptist Convention, and the Neshoba Baptist Association, Baptist Children’s Village, Center for Pregnancy Choices and support giving to the Cooperative Program.
As a committee, we are seeking God’s will and guidance in finding the man He has already chosen to shepherd us. Seminary education is preferred along with leadership skills. We currently have two full-time staff, two part-time staff, and twelve deacons.
Outreach includes support of local food pantry, Operation Christmas Child, Appalachian Outreach, Man Church, WMU, and various other ministries.
If you have questions about this position or about our church, please send an email to Interested individuals can apply now through this post or mail a resume to Pastor Search Committee, c/o East Philadelphia Baptist Church, PO Box 304, Philadelphia, MS 39350.