Foxworth First Baptist Church is prayerfully seeking a Student Pastor to serve our 7th-12th grade students & their families. Our small group of students is growing, and we have a few adults (ranging in ages from their 30s to their 70s) who are committed to serving and investing in the students entrusted to our care. This bi-vocational position was created to assist the congregation, under the leadership of the pastor, to develop, lead, and maintain strategies that will allow FFBC to lead and minister to 7th – 12th grade students and their families in a way that creates an environment for people to come to know Jesus as Savior and grow in Christian maturity while bringing glory to the Triune God. The ideal candidate is a committed Christ-follower with the desire to invest in and help lead our students alongside our adults; committed to reaching out to students through the school system(s) & community engagement; devoted to the sound doctrine of the Word of God and teaching & training students in the Word. The Student Pastor is responsible for the group teaching ministry of 7th-12th grade students on Wednesday evenings, participation in the life of the church on Sundays, & the planning/organizing/implementation of special events/mission opportunities/etc. for spiritual development. Seminary training is not a requirement, but such training is beneficial & such ongoing training will have the full support of the church body. On sight housing is available, if desired.
You may apply by emailing or mailing to PO Box 45, Foxworth 39483-0045.