Worship leader / minister of musicBivocational/Part-Time

Bethany Baptist church

Bethany Baptist church is a 157-year old church located in the heart of Whynot, MS, about 8 miles East of Meridian. We are prayerfully searching for the person God has to lead us in worship. In years past, we had a choir but more recently utilized a praise team. We are blessed with numerous talents both vocally and musically. We are looking for a part-time/bi-vocational staff member who loves the Lord and desires to usher our congregation into a mode of worship. We enjoy a mixture of old hymns as well as contemporary music. We would love this person to work with the media team and involve other members with special music as well. The ability to read music and/or play an instrument would be an added blessing.

Interested candidates may submit resumes to whynotbethanybaptistpersonnel@gmail.com, or submit in writing to:
Bethany Baptist Church
4475 Ponds Road
Meridian, MS. 39301