Youth MinisterFull-Time

Harmony Baptist Church

Harmony Baptist Church is seeking a God called man to fill the full-time role of Youth Minister at our church. We have been serving the Nanih Waiya community in Winston County, MS for over 140 years. We are a small country church with a huge desire for the people in our community to know Jesus.
The Youth Minister would be responsible for mid-week services, Sunday night services, and Sunday school every week. Seminary degree is not required for this position. What is required is the Lord’s call on the individual’s life to the ministry.
We are a country church, but our youth group has been growing spiritually and in numbers. We have been averaging 45 youth on Wednesday nights, 25 on Sunday nights, and 10 on Sunday mornings. We are very excited with what the Lord is doing in our youth group.
If you feel God leading to this position, please call Bro. Jerry Lundy at 662.803.3381(preferred) or email him at for more information or any questions you may have.