Resources For Church Leaders

Minister’s Compensation Guidance and Information

2024 Southern Baptist Convention Minister’s Compensation Study

Are you a church committee/team member or minister who needs guidance and help in finding estimates on appropriate levels of compensation for church pastors and staff ministry positions?  The 2024 Southern Baptist Convention Minister’s Compensation Study is a FREE helpful tool available on-line for your use.  To use the 2024 Southern Baptist Convention Minister’s Compensation Survey, you can access the survey through either of these links:

You will probably want to experiment with this resource and run your specific study using a variety of factors to get a more complete analysis of your compensation pay standards.  For example, run the study using only Mississippi, then also run the study using the surrounding states of Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, and South Carolina to get a bigger sample size in states comparable to Mississippi.  Churches can also call similar size churches in your area and our state to inquire about their compensation levels.  If you need assistance in using the Minister’s Compensation Study, or for help in minister’s compensation issues, please contact Dr. John Pace, Director, Leadership Department, (office) 601-292-3308,

Supplemental Income and Health Benefit Options for Ministers

Hey, Pastor and Staff Member!

Would you like to enrich your ministry and better provide for your family?
Is providing health insurance for your family a struggle?
Is there still some month left when the money runs out?
You may be among the rising number of pastors and staff members who do not have an adequate salary and health insurance for their families. We have some good news for you. Many full-time and bivocational ministers in our state enjoy a fulfilling ministry with supplemental income and health insurance/benefits from the following options.

Learn more

Leading from Your Strengths

God created every individual member of the body of Christ (i.e. the local church) with unique strengths and abilities, placing them together as a team in order to build His Kingdom. Ministry Insights’ Leading From Your Strengths is an online assessment that empowers Christian leaders and team members to discover their God-given strengths and to discern where and how they fit in a specific team context. The LFYS Profile provides a 20+ page picture of your individual make-up, with over 19,860 unique strengths combinations. The assessment takes approximately ten minutes to complete, with results delivered instantly and interpreted fully. For more information, please visit or contact MBCB’s Church Health Division ( to schedule a consultation with a certified specialist.

If the whole body were an eye, where would be the sense of hearing? If the whole body were an ear, where would be the sense of smell? – 1 Corinthians 12:17

Demographic Services (MissionInsite)

Since 2017, MBCB’s Church Growth and Mission Strategy Divisions have teamed to offer a new service to partnering churches. MissionInsite is a company that provides up-to-date multi-dimensional demographics and analysis to over 125,000 faith-based institutions across the US. Information includes not only traditional demographics such as households, ages, and genders, but also future projections of key data as well as insights into people’s interests (e.g. communication preferences, family needs, etc.). Our agreement with the company allows for a variety of reporting options designed to garner maximum information about a given church’s community. These powerful tools represent an incredible opportunity for the local church to tailor ministries in a way that connects to unreached or unchurched individuals and families, matching methods with actual needs rather than maintaining outdated programs or approaches that are no longer effective.

Among the various reports available, one of the newest is MissionInsite’s Quadrennium Report. The organization updates the report every four years and provides projections on people’s beliefs and attitudes about God, Jesus and the local church. Equally helpful, the company provides research based on community members’ habits as tracked by Experian (a major provider of credit and consumer data) and Synergos. These reports are able to determine with high accuracy the interests and needs of a local community.

Should you wish to avail of these reports, please contact Elizabeth Lindigrin in our Leadership Department by calling 601-292-3305 or via email at You will need to provide her with the Physical Address of the church and an email address to which the information can be sent.