Literacy Missions

Train, Equip, Partner

The purpose of Literacy Missions Ministries is to train, equip, and partner with Southern Baptists to share Jesus through literacy missions while teaching internationals English (English as a Second Language), helping students be successful in school (Tutoring Children and Youth), and helping adults read and write better (Adult Reading and Writing).

Literacy Missions is a powerful to impact your community and lead others to Christ.  Those interested in beginning a Literacy Missions Ministry in their church or community should contact Cindy Heimbach, State Literacy Missions Coordinator, or Maria Teel, State Literacy Missions Contact, for more information.

Cindy Heimbach, State Literacy Missions Coordinator

Maria Teel, State Literacy Missions Contact

Each year the Literacy Missions Task Force hosts the State Literacy Missions Conference.  Those seeking certification in the areas of ESL, TCY, or ARW, participate in an 11-hour Basic Workshop during the conference.  Others who have been certified or are interested in learning more about literacy missions participate in General Sessions.

You don’t have to wait for the State Literacy Missions Conference in July to receive training or additional training!  Workshops can be set up for churches or associations any time of year by contacting Cindy Heimbach (  Videos from prior workshops can be accessed at MBCB’s Vimeo Channel.

Literacy Missions Ministries exist in several places throughout our state.  If you do not see your ministry listed, please contact Maria Teel ( to be added.

We are thankful for the support of Mississippi Baptists and the Margaret Lackey State Offering.  The MLSO is the primary funding stream for literacy missions.

Mississippi partners with other states to form the National Literacy Missions Partnership. The National Literacy Missions Partnership is supported in part by Send Relief of the North American Mission Board.

Literacy Missions has a long history in Southern Baptist life.  Literacy missions in Mississippi began in the 1960s with Judge and Rene Sugg and Pat Alford as some of the first pioneers.  The Rene Sugg and Pat Alford Literacy Missions Endowment was started in December 2005 by Richard Alford in memory of his late wife, Pat, and in honor of Judge and Rene Sugg.  You can give to this fund by contacting the Mississippi Baptist Foundation.

All Literacy Missions Ministries are asked to complete an Annual Report each year for the ministries they provide.  Please complete the Annual Report by September 1, 2024, for the preceding year (August 2023 – July 2024).

Literacy Missions Annual Report
for August 2023-July 2024
Due date: September 1, 2024
(Please complete a separate annual report for each Literacy Missions track your ministry has.)

Literacy Missions Annual Report

  • Due date: September 1, 2024

    (Please complete a separate annual report for each Literacy Missions track your ministry has.)



  • Please provide quantities for each: A. substitute teachers:
 B. child care workers:
 C. placement personnel:
 D. devotional leaders:
 E. transportation providers:
 F. refreshment providers:
 G. prayer team:
 H. other:
  • Thank you for taking the time to provide all this information! It helps us to know what the Lord is accomplishing through us in Mississippi, and it provides the Mississippi Baptist Convention Board, the North American Mission Board, the International Mission Board and the Southern Baptist Convention with information worth celebrating! 
Thank you for investing in the Kingdom with your time, energy, creativity, money, love, discipline, tears, prayers, dependability, and labor!