Disaster Relief
Quick Links to giving: Give as a Church OR Give as an Individual
Select “Disaster Relief 8100” under “Fund”
In times of disaster, our hearts and minds are moved to give to support the relief efforts. Mississippi Baptist Disaster Relief asks that you consider financial giving instead of material collections. There are several reasons for this request:
- Material collections are a time and manpower intensive effort and in the case of most disasters, those are things that we just don’t have.
- Needs change rapidly and what is identified one day may not be the needed item just days later when donated items can collected, transported, received and distributed.
- After every major disaster, there are material donations that have to be disposed of in some manner that does not benefit those who have been affected by the disaster.
Financial gifts provide us the flexibility to obtain needed items in a timely manner and meet real needs.
If you feel lead to give toward the Mississippi Baptist Disaster Relief efforts, you may do so online at www.mbcb.org/giving , selecting “Give as an Individual” and then designating your gift to DISASTER RELIEF. Check donations are also accepted. Simply make the check payable to the “Mississippi Baptist Convention Board” designated “MS Disaster Relief” on the memo line, and mail to” MBCB, P.O. Box 530, Jackson, MS 39205-0530.” All financial donations given through Mississippi Baptist Disaster Relief (MBDR) go directly to support relief/recovery efforts in partnership with local Baptist churches and associations in the affected areas.