
  • Margaret Lackey State Offering

    The Margaret Lackey Offering for State Missions is the primary funding stream for key mission efforts in many different areas

  • Lottie Moon Offering

    The Lottie Moon Christmas offering remains the lifeline of international missions.

  • Edwina Robinson WMU Offering

    The MS WMU Edwina Robinson Offering (ERO) is a churchwide offering sponsored by MS Women’s Ministries/WMU.

  • Cooperative Program

    The Cooperative Program is Southern Baptists’ unified plan of giving

  • Annie Armstrong Easter Offering

    North America is a mission field of complex cultures and diverse religious practices.  Missionaries here face challenges from secularism to language barriers to a historic health crisis.  Yet, in spite of the obstacles, God’s mission always moves forward.  Your partnership helps make it possible.