Policies for Children’s Ministry Programs

“Sample” Policies for Children’s Ministry Programs

“Sample” Baptist Church loves children and their parents. You can count on us to provide the best in teaching care and nurture for all your grade 1-6 boys and girls.

What “Sample” Baptist Church will do for you and your child:

  1. Provide quality leadership in all children’s ministry programs.
    1. Workers in children’s classrooms will be a member of the church for at least 6 months before they teach.
    2. All potential workers will complete a screening form and grant permission for church leadership to conduct a criminal background check.
    3. All workers are expected to take advantage of training opportunities sponsored by the church.
    4. All workers are expected to study curriculum and to plan activities so that appropriate religious education can take place.
  2. Provide a healthy, secure, and safe teaching environment.
    1. Two or more teachers will be with each group of children at all times.
    2. A small window in classroom doors will give a view of the entire room.
    3. All first graders will be retrieved from each children’s ministry program by a parent.
    4. Children who have a contagious illness or disease will not be accepted in a classroom. Should you discover that your child is ill after having attended a program, please notify the Children’s Ministry Director immediately so that parents yymay be contacted.
    5. Teachers are not permitted to give medication to any child.
    6. A signed permission form will be required from parents/guardians for each off-campus trip.
  3. Provide Bible teaching through age-appropriate materials.
    1. Southern Baptist curriculum materials will be used in children’s ministry programs. Any other materials used for teaching will support SBC doctrine and must be approved by the Children’s Ministry Director.
    2. Children will be placed in the classroom that corresponds with their current school grade. If a child spends an extra year in a school grade, he must do the same in all children’s programs.
  4. Provide an environment that encourages appropriate behavior and fosters self-discipline.
    1. The Childhood Education Committee has approved a discipline plan to be explained and enforced in each children’s ministry program.
    2. Following is the plan:
      1. In each class, DO
        1. Treat other members kindly
        2. Respect authority
        3. Participate in all planned activities joyfully
      2. In our church, DO
        1. Walk in the hallways
        2. Remain outside of classrooms unless an adult is there with you
        3. Respect the property of our church and those who attend
      3. Consequences:
        1. 1st violation – warning
        2. 2nd violation – parents will be called following the program
        3. 3rd violation – parents will be retrieved from their class
        4. 4th violation – parents will be asked to attend class with child until behavior is under control

The Children’s Ministry Director will provide support, encouragement, and enforcement of this discipline plan.

To make your child’s church experience the most meaningful, you can:

  1. Be involved. We encourage parental involvement in all children’s ministry programs.
  2. Bring your child to church regularly.
  3. A schedule of children’s ministry programs is included in this brochure. For the safety and care of your child, the ministry programs will be available for entry 10 minutes prior to the scheduled beginning time.
  4. On Sunday mornings:
    1. Attend Sunday school while your child is in Sunday school, then attend worship together.
    2. Encourage your child to bring his Bible and offering to Sunday School.
  5. Complete and return a Child’s Information Sheet. These forms will be updated annually and are necessary to best meet the needs of your child.
  6. Review the Discipline Plan with your child on a regular basis. Please be supportive and encouraging of the volunteers who may need to call to ask for your help enforcing this plan.