Women's Ministry

Is God stirring the hearts of women in your church? Are you looking for ways to engage women in meaningful relationships with one another and ultimately with God? Women’s Ministry encourages women in spiritual growth, discipleship, hands on ministry, and evangelism.

Benefits to starting a Women’s Ministry in your church:

  • To help churches grow numerically and spiritually.
  • To help women feel accepted when they join a church.
  • To open the door to meaningful relationships.
  • To encourage women to discover, develop, and use their spiritual gifts.
  • To minister to today’s women.
  • To provide vision and networking for both inreach and outreach ministries.
  • To offer “woman-to-woman” understanding.
  • To offer “woman-to-woman” lay counseling.
  • To encourage spiritually older women to mentor (teach) spiritually younger women.
  • To follow Jesus’ example of ministry to and with women.
  • To help women fight spiritual battles.
  • To affect families as women’s lives are drawn closer to Christ.

Source: Women’s Ministry at LifeWay , Lifeway Women Catalog